Turkey Trot 2024

Thank you to all that supported Turkey Trot this year! We were blessed with awesome weather and hundreds of runners, walkers and volunteers with amazing spirit!  Together we raised $45K for the Rotary Burlington North Foundation, with over $25K going directly to the Wema Centre in Mombasa, Kenya.  That ain't chicken feed!
Turkey Trot 2024 Dan Dubreuil 2024-10-21 04:00:00Z 0

We Welcome Maxine Prud'homme!

RCBN welcomes Maxine Prud'Homme to Burlington. Maxine is from France and is a Rotary Exchange Student. She'll be staying with host families for 11 months as she learns English and Canadian culture.  Discover more about Rotary's Youth Exchange Program here.:
We Welcome Maxine Prud'homme! Dan Dubreuil 2024-09-20 04:00:00Z 0

Community Service Committee

Last meeting for our Rotary Club’s Community Service Committee for this Rotary year. Thanks to Rotarian Terry and his wife Laurie for hosting our meetings over this year. We had a great year of activities done! We appreciate all the time spent of everybody in this committee.  
Community Service Committee Dan Dubreuil 2024-06-13 04:00:00Z 0
Gore Park Van Donation Dan Dubreuil 2024-05-15 04:00:00Z 0

Earth Day 2024

Members of Rotary Burlington North met with other passionate citizens to plant over 500 trees at a local park on April 20th.  The event was lead by Burlington Green, Burlington's leading environmental advocate.  Caring for the environment is one of Rotary's 7 Areas of Focus. We look forward to working on more projects like this!  
Earth Day 2024 Dan Dubreuil 2024-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

RBN - Community Service 2024

Here's a look at our Club's Community Service Team and the local projects our club has supported recently. :  )  
RBN - Community Service 2024 Dan Dubreuil 2024-04-12 04:00:00Z 0

Zacapa Regional Hospital

In 2023 the Club Rotario Gualan, Zacapa, Guatemala, requested assistance to construct a desperately needed Pediatric Intensive care Unit at the Zacapa Regional Hospital in Guatemala. The Piche Family Foundation agreed to co-fund the construction cost. Over $100,000 was transferred through the RC Burlington North to Club Rotario Gualan to construct the Hospital Building Addition. As of March 2024, the building addition is complete and the interior work is now in progress.  After the completion of the interior work, the RC Burlington North will lead a Rotary Global Grant Project to fund $100,000.US for the purchase of Special Pediatric Intensive Care Equipment.
Zacapa Regional Hospital 2024-04-09 04:00:00Z 0

Paint Day at Woodview

Paint day success at Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services!! Rotary Burlington North coordinated this special day of volunteering to repaint many of the therapy rooms and offices. We had approximately 28 people out in total from Rotary, Interact and Burlington Helping Burlington. It is a wonderful feeling when a large group of caring individuals who love their community come together to help an important cause like this. Doing this kind of work helps to keeps the cost of services lower for those who need it. A special thanks for Burlington Paint Benjamin Moore for donating the paint and Pizzaiolo on Brant St. for donating lunch for the group.
Paint Day at Woodview Dan Dubreuil 2024-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

Donation to Food4Kids Halton

Club President Clinton Howell closed-out 2023 in fine fashion by presenting a donation from our Foundation to Food4Kids Halton.  Over $15K was raised for Food4Kids Halton through the 2023 Rotary Turkey Trot.  Thank you to all the runners and walkers that supported this event with donations.  This financial support reflects your amazing generosity!
Donation to Food4Kids Halton Dan Dubreuil 2024-01-03 05:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Online Auction Dan Dubreuil 2023-10-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Turkey Trot & Fall Fest - Oct 15, 2023

WOW! What a GREAT Day!  Together our community raised over $50,000 at this year's Turkey Trot Run & Fall Fest!  These funds will support the good work of the Rotary Burlington North Foundation; with over $15,000 going immediately to Food4Kids Halton to help children in need in our community. 
More info at:  rotaryturkeytrot.ca
Photos curtesy of Peter McCusker.  
Rotary Turkey Trot & Fall Fest - Oct 15, 2023 Dan Dubreuil 2023-10-20 04:00:00Z 0

Donation to Art For Aid

The Burlington North Rotary Club teamed up and collected art supplies to send to Metis artist Colleen Gray who will send them north. Many elementary schools in remote communities across Canada work with insufficient and often minimal quality art supplies. Colleen believes in the power of art to invite healing and provide a creative vehicle to help break the rigours of isolation for Indigenous youth. Check out www.artforaid.ca
Donation to Art For Aid Dan Dubreuil 2023-08-26 04:00:00Z 0

Day 4 In Guatemala

Day 4 in Guatemala:  Neil, Clinton, John and Bill from our club helped with a pilot project installing 6 smokeless high efficiency wood burning stoves for villagers in the Aki Tunoco Jocotán region of the mountains. The current wood burning stoves that are in use create a lot of smoke and carbon monoxide so they are dangerous and uneconomical. This new innovative design created by Jeff @dreaminvestgrow uses 85% less wood and creates almost no carbon monoxide so it is far more safe and economical. Rotary is exploring to find a way to get these installed for those who need them and cannot afford to pay for them personally. Check out our video of the entire trip by clicking here.  
Day 4 In Guatemala Dan Dubreuil 2023-03-09 05:00:00Z 0

Thank You Shelter Movers!

Our club would like to extend a huge and heartfelt thanks to all of the generous volunteers @sheltermovers who partner with our Rotary Burlington North Furniture Project by offering free moving services to pick up our furniture donations and bring them to woman and children who are leaving shelters. 
Thank You Shelter Movers! Dan Dubreuil 2023-02-16 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteering at Global Medic

Rotary Burlington North volunteered again at Global Medic in Oakville. Today, we packed 2,400 bags of chick peas (500 grams) for Turkey and Syria. Thank you to all the Interactors who came to help today! We all had a great time. All these bags will be going out internationally and locally.
Volunteering at Global Medic Dan Dubreuil 2023-02-16 05:00:00Z 0

Capotillo Ground Breaking Ceremony - Nov 2022

Rotary Burlington North has sponsored a project to bring clean water to 2000 people living in the Capotillo District of the Dominican Republic. Construction of the new aqueduct will start this January. International projects to help those in need are the heart of Rotary International!
Capotillo Ground Breaking Ceremony - Nov 2022 Dan Dubreuil 2022-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

Turkey Trot 2022

Runners, walkers, volunteers, sponsors and vendors enjoyed a great day at Bronte Creek Provincial Park and helped to raise $18,000 for the Burlington North Foundation. This year's event included 10K and 5K timed runs, as well as a 1K Fun Run.  We also had a Kids-Zone, a Maker's Market, and great food courtesy of our sponsors Clinton Howell, Karen Paul and Sobey's-Freshco (Walkers and Upper-Middle Road).  Thank you to all that came out to make it a special day!     
Check out our two amazing videos of the day:
  1. Official 2022 Turkey Trot Video
  2. Turkey Trot Video care of Karen Paul & Associates 
Turkey Trot 2022 2022-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day - 2022

The Presidents of Burlington's four Rotary Clubs, 7080 District Governor Sandhya Maini and Mayor Marianne Meed Ward prepare to raising the flag at Burlington City Hall for World Polio Day, October 24th, 2022.  Learn more about World Polio Day here.  Watch the Mayor's proclamation about World Polio Day here. 
World Polio Day - 2022 Dan Dubreuil 2022-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

Bundles of Love

Thank you Judy Warrington, member of RBN!  Your effort to collect & pack two bundles of soccer gear surely brought smiles to dozens of kids in need in the DR.   Thanks also goes to the Oakville Soccer Club for donating much of the following gear, and  Barb Coyle for delivering the bags on a recent trip. (56 jerseys, 19 soccer balls, 24 soccer socks, 10 pairs running shoes, 6 baseball hats, 3 pairs of shin pads, 17 shirts-hoodies- jackets, 6 pairs of pants, Crafts and sewing supplies.)
Bundles of Love Dan Dubreuil 2022-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

Recognition from Our Foundation

Barbara Lewis (Rotary Burlington North) and Aldo Villanovich (Rotary Burlington Lakeshore) both receive recognition for being members of the Rotary Bequest Society. Both are also Rotary Benefactors. The recognition certificates were presented by PDG Syd Harman at the Burlington Cluster meeting on Sep 20th, 2022.   Thank you both for being outstanding Rotarians!
Recognition from Our Foundation Dan Dubreuil 2022-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Wine Survivor

We are excited to announce a new initiative to raise funds for our community while we have fun. 
Wine Survivor is a game of elimination just like the name suggests. Last individual standing from a team of 6 wins it all. For tickets please contact Ralph
For more information about the game and all the rules, please click here
Wine Survivor Omeid Deen 2022-05-26 04:00:00Z 0
99 Missions Thank You 2022-05-24 04:00:00Z 0

Connections Among Generations

Our club volunteered at Community Development Halton, packing bags to go to needy seniors throughout Halton. We packed 750 bags which will all be sent out this month with Food For Life’s monthly food delivery to seniors. These bags provided by CDH are part of their “Connections Among Generations” program. They send great items such as note pads, candies, sweets, tea bags, shampoo, and special items such as hand written and drawn cards from high school students. They also had little hand-made teddy bears included. It was great package and I’m sure highly appreciated by the needy seniors who receive them.😊
Connections Among Generations Dan Dubreuil 2022-05-20 04:00:00Z 0

Sew Helpful

RBN is excited to announce a fabulous initiative to bring “the love of sewing” to Indigenous children in remote communities. We’ve teamed up with Art for Aid (www.artforaid.ca) working with I Love First Peoples, a Canadian registered charity (www.ilovefirstpeoples.ca), to empower Indigenous children and youth through some innovative and unique fabric arts programs.
Learn more today, and support a great cause: https://rotary7080.org/page/sew/
Sew Helpful Dan Dubreuil 2022-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

Give to Live!

The Give to Live Furniture Project is a Rotary Burlington North initiative, which involves the collection of good quality second-hand furniture from various sources, and the donation of this furniture to families in extreme need. The furniture we collect is stored in two storage units generously provided to us free-of-charge by Access Storage. Our goal is to serve two families per month, and  typically the pickup and delivery of the furniture is the responsibility of the donor or the recipient
Give to Live! Dan Dubreuil 2022-03-10 05:00:00Z 0

2021 Kettle Campaign

Dedication and teamwork marked the 2021 Kettle Drive. With the help of all 4 Rotary Clubs in Burlington, The Salvation Army was able to raise over $345, 000 to support its programs that help families in our community. Craig MacPherson of Rotary Burlington North lead the Tap-to-Give program, which collected over $45,000 in donations. Craig's efforts ensured that all  units were fully charged and ready to accept donations throughout the 4-week campaign.
2021 Kettle Campaign Dan Dubreuil 2022-01-23 05:00:00Z 0

Capotillo Water Project - Club Trip

Rotary Burlington North has sponsored a project to bring clean water to 2000 people living in the Capotillo District of the Dominican Republic. Construction of the new aqueduct will start this January. International projects to help those in need are the heart of Rotary International!
Capotillo Water Project - Club Trip Dan Dubreuil 2022-01-14 05:00:00Z 0

Planting Trees at Lowville Park

Oct 23rd, 2021. Members of RBN enjoyed a great day planting trees at Lowville Park. Over 400 saplings of native species were provided by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters in an effort to protect the shoreline of Bronte Creek and build the health of spawning areas for Atlantic Salmon. On top of our time, RBN was also happy to donate $500 to the OFAH for this important cause!
Planting Trees at Lowville Park Dan Dubreuil 2021-11-10 05:00:00Z 0

End Polio Now 2021

Club President Clinton Howell raises the End Polio Now flag at Burlington City Hall. World Polio Day is on Sunday October24th!  In1985, Rotary International launched PolioPlus and in 1988 helped establish the Global Polio Eradication Initiative that today includes several organizations like the World Health Organization. These initiatives are working to immunize children across the globe against polio. Since 1988, polio cases have dropped by 99.9% and today the world is close to eradicating the disease.
End Polio Now 2021 Dan Dubreuil 2021-10-22 04:00:00Z 0

Helping our Neighbours in Need!

Posted on Sep 04, 2021
Julie Cordasco presented a $1,000 cheque on behalf of our club to the Burlington Food Bank. Thank you for all that you do for our community!

Helping our Neighbours in Need! Dan Dubreuil 2021-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

99 Missions - Spring Event  

99 Missions is about being active, exploring your community, supporting your neighbours and showing your appreciation for those helping us through COVID-19, all while having a blast!  99 Missions is also a fundraiser for The Salvation Army Community Family Services and Rotary Burlington North. Having fun while helping your community has never been so easy!  Plus everyone that registers has a chance to win great prizes! Learn more at: 99missions.com
99 Missions - Spring Event Dan Dubreuil 2021-03-06 05:00:00Z 0
Catch The Ace Winner! March 2021 Dan Dubreuil 2021-03-06 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Awards - 2021

Paul Harris Fellow Awards were presented by all 4 Burlington Rotary Clubs to 4 community members who have donated hours of their time volunteering to assist not-for-profit organizations and individuals needing help in the Burlington area. Beth Martin,  David Vandenberg, Mary Dilly and Roger Boyd were the deserving recipients.  Watch the awards presentation and be inspired by the impact they have made, and continue to make, in our community. 
Paul Harris Fellow Awards - 2021 Dan Dubreuil 2021-03-06 05:00:00Z 0

Dindigul, India Dairy Project

To train 80 villagers on everything needed to raise, feed and care for a lactating dairy cow through Ghandigram Agricultural College followed by each graduate receiving their own cow. Cows will be purchased from other villagers who have received micro-loans to purchase a cow in the past. 
Dindigul, India Dairy Project Dan Dubreuil 2021-01-01 05:00:00Z 0 Funded-Economic-Development

Honduras Microfinance Project

Operationally, the objective is to continue to provide microfinance loans to SME clients (Small to Medium Enterprises) with emphasis again on the “Small Enterprises” of the SME category. Phase 6 (D7080) will address these objectives by providing 1) loan funds to a targeted segment, and 2) specific training to micro-businesses. As seen in previous phases, the program is sustainable and will grow small businesses and create jobs
Honduras Microfinance Project Dan Dubreuil 2021-01-01 05:00:00Z 0 Funded-Economic-Development
Christmas Treats Dan Dubreuil 2020-12-31 05:00:00Z 0

Wellington Square - Goodies!

Burlington Rotary Clubs delivered a bit of good cheer to the team that runs the Friday Night Community at Wellington Square United Church. The 4 Burlington Clubs dropped off 800 treat bags that will be handed out with Christmas dinners. It's estimated that the team will feed 1100 people! Incredible work by an amazing team at Wellington Square! Treat bags are filled with cookies, chocolates, and candies! Merry Christmas to ALL! (Dec 24, 2020)
Wellington Square - Goodies! Dan Dubreuil 2020-12-26 05:00:00Z 0

"Thank You" from Jo Brant Hospital 

A sincere "Thank You" for RBN's contribution to the growth and development of Jo Brant Hospital.  RBN has donated $275,000 to Jo Brant to support their expansion and modernization. Rotary = People of Action! (Dec 18, 2020)
"Thank You" from Jo Brant Hospital Dan Dubreuil 2020-12-26 05:00:00Z 0

Remembrance Day 2020

Burlington Rotary North President Ralph Sprague laying a wreath at the Burlington Cenotaph on November 11th, 2020. (Nov 11, 2020)
Remembrance Day 2020 Dan Dubreuil 2020-11-23 05:00:00Z 0

RBN Helps Out at Food for Life

Many hands make light work! A team from RBN packed food bags at Food for Life on Oct 28th. While there, we presented them a check for $1000 to support their important work! (Oct 28, 2020)
RBN Helps Out at Food for Life Dan Dubreuil 2020-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day 2020

Burlington's Rotary Clubs raise the END POLIO NOW flag at Burlington City Hall in recognition of World Polio Day (October 24, 2020). Rotary and its partners have decreased world-wide cases of Polio by 99.9% since 1988. It has invested over $2 billion dollars and countless volunteer hours to put an end to this terrible disease. Please support to help END POLIO NOW!  www.canadahelps.org/en/pages/end-polio-now-2020/
World Polio Day 2020 Dan Dubreuil 2020-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

Thank You From Shifra Homes

RBN reached out to Alexanian's for new flooring for Shifra Homes and they came through with a little help from the Club! It's amazing how generous our community is.  (October, 2020)  
Thank You From Shifra Homes Dan Dubreuil 2020-10-04 04:00:00Z 0
Burlington North Earns 2020 Citation Dan Dubreuil 2020-10-02 04:00:00Z 0

Wear Orange on September 30th

RBN wearing orange at our most recent Zoom meeting. Wear Orange on September 30th. Show your support for hope and healing.
Wear Orange on September 30th Dan Dubreuil 2020-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

Supporting Frontline Workers

Rotary Burlington North was busy again delivering food and snacks to the frontline workers at long term care homed throughout Burlington.  Rotarians baked and delivered a variety of different snacks to help them during their long shifts caring for their patients.  Rotary Burlington North extends our sincere gratitude to all frontline workers during this challenging time. (June, 2020) 

Supporting Frontline Workers Dan Dubreuil 2020-06-24 04:00:00Z 0
Burlington North Helps Wellington Square Feed Burlington Dan Dubreuil 2020-05-08 04:00:00Z 0

Burlington North Fighting COVID-19 in Guatemala

Our club strives to help our local community and to make a difference around the world. Our members teamed up to make a donation in support of Mayan villagers near Chiquimula Guatemala who are suffering under the pandemic restrictions they have to live with. We collected $5,120 CDN generously donated from our club members. We have forwarded this money down to our Rotary partners in Chiquimula and they have started purchasing and distributing the food and other necessities to the villagers! Based on this donation, our Rotary club applied for a matching grant from our Rotary District. It has now been approved and we will soon be sending down an equal amount!! Our efforts, which began as hoping to get a few hundred dollars has, through your generosity, grown to over $10,000 CDN. This will make a huge difference in the lives of many of the villagers which is what makes giving so rewarding and important. (April, 2020)
Burlington North Fighting COVID-19 in Guatemala 2020-04-30 04:00:00Z 0

Water You Waiting For

We’ve found a simple, efficient, cost effective filter to provide clean water, and which will have a huge impact in the lives of our Mayan “Chorti” friends! We need your help to make that difference…….and to help spread the word! (December, 2018)


Water You Waiting For 2018-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

Interact Club Supports Bethany Residence

The Interact Club at Nelson High School decided, once again, to support the 129 people living at Bethany Residence in Burlington by donating appropriate gifts in time for Christmas.  Earlier, students held a bake sale to raise money.  In addition, the co-chairs invited Rotarians and others to donate gifts.  A great number of items were contributed this way, especially by Fareen and her customers at Burlington Orthotics.  In addition, the students in the Interact Club baked goods, which were also taken to Bethany on Friday December 7th.   (December, 2018)



















Interact Club Supports Bethany Residence 2018-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

Collecting Donations for Make a Great Pass 

Rotary Burlington North Youth Services Chair Neil Howard collected Soccer Equipment & Uniforms for the Dar Al Awlad Orphanage in Lebanon.  Thank you to Desmond Jordan from the Rotary Club of Oakville Trafalgar & Make a Great Pass Canada and our friends at Happy Kidz Canada (http://happykidzcanada.com).   (August, 2015)
Collecting Donations for Make a Great Pass 2015-09-30 04:00:00Z 0

Terrific Turkey Trot Fundraiser

Posted by Beth White on Oct 31, 2013
















The weather, the event and the energy were stellar! Over 560 registrants ran or walked to raise money to benefit the Start2Finish Reading and Running Club and other Rotary charities.  Many thanks as well to all the Rotarians and volunteers who made October 20th, 2013 so fun and successful. (October, 2013)

Terrific Turkey Trot Fundraiser Beth White 2013-10-31 04:00:00Z 0