The Interact Club at Nelson High School decided, once again, to support the 129 people living at Bethany Residence in Burlington by donating appropriate gifts in time for Christmas.  Earlier, students held a bake sale to raise money.  In addition, the co-chairs invited Rotarians and others to donate gifts.  A great number of items were contributed this way, especially by Fareen and her customers at Burlington Orthotics.  In addition, the students in the Interact Club baked goods, which were also taken to Bethany on Friday December 7th.   (December, 2018)



















The Mission Statement at Bethany Residence is: To Provide accommodation, meals and care to meet the physical, social, intellectual and psychological needs of individuals who are in need of a respectful environment and are challenged or are at risk. We promise an atmosphere that is home-like and welcoming as well as caring to all who step through our doors.  In addition, Bethany" provides unique individualized care for you or your adult loved ones experiencing cognitive difficulties/impairments or psychiatric illness."